Dec 26.

Happy Festivities. Hope you're having a grand old time. In Tuscany there's been snow, wine and song. I learnt myself to play "spirit on the water" today; perhaps His Royal Bobness in his finest form. Lying low now until the new year brings more numbers for me to chase and trying to finalize the track listing for the record along with learning to play as many songs as i can fit into my day. Son House is currently on the turn table ; the perfect companion to a winter's tale and a broken heart. Here's a download for you; what happens is you click the link and as if by magic I get transported via DTA (digtalised transportation abilities) into your computer and into your house to sing for you whenever you should require me to. I hope you enjoy this new modern feature we have pioneered (beta) here at gtgt HQ; we think it has a good chance of catching on. This song is called Darkness on the Edge of Town; it's my terrible take on one of my favourite Boss songs... "Some folks are born into a good life, other folks get it anyway, anyhow,
I lost my money and I lost my wife, them things don't seem to matter much to me now."