July 26

ugghh..monday. tried to work on some new songs this weekend but with little joy as i've probably been listening to too much "old country" lately so it's all sounds, well, like i wish i was merle haggard which in all honesty, yes i do but that's not really what songwriting is about. it's about finding your own little space and digging in till it sounds like you and no one else; you're own stories in your own way. alright, that's songwriting 101 over for the day.
busy week ahead, back in the studio for a few days with Drew whose helping out with some engineering and mixing up at Battery Studios is Willeseden. It's all sounding mega and less than two months to go now before the album is available. I'm playing two shows on friday - at the kings arms in fulham and then later at the fiddlers elbow in camden, should be good fun.
We're shooting a video for fortune teller song, if all goes to plan (no tempting of fate here - Ivor) this weekend, should be on your screens very soon!
alright; love, life , beautiful, everybody's welcome!